Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The day before we leave

Today, the sun is shinning the air is cool and crisp; the sky is graded from a pail blue to a darker pail blue and the snow is still lingering from last weeks snow strom on the northside. The forcast is for another snowstorm, target to hit early, Wednesday morning. We are target to leave Wednesday late afternoon. The question lingers will we leave on time? What is one to do to prepare for delays? Many questions, to find answers for, so what do you do? Wait on the Lord, wait patiently for Him. He will direct the step. Confidence in His timing and direction. That is what you do and keep preparing.

Resolved! Wait


  1. Praying for you today as I just connected to your site. It will be so exciting to watch your journey. Thanks for including us daily to the events taking place. The trip will change your lives forever. Thank your parents for having the insight to send you. We love you all.

  2. Everything is in God's hands so stop worrying. I know it is hard, but try! Have a great time. Look forward to hearing your reports.

  3. Praying you are on a plane and flying! We'll keep you at the throne of our Father daily. Love y'all. Grow lots!
